Welcome to OpenGrid, an open source interactive map that allows users to explore city data in an easy to use interface. OpenGrid offers real-time or historical insights of event-based data based on time and location; whether its 311 calls, crimes, tweets, or other data sources.
Real-time and Historical Spatial Analysis
OpenGrid can be used for real-time data analysis, refreshing frequently to provide the most up-to-date information. It also allows users to reach back into time to look at past events.
Technical Architecture
OpenGrid is designed to be flexible with different types of data sources. Whether it's MongoDB, a RESTful API, or other data sources, programmers can use OpenGrid's API and Service Layer to program it to work with other data sources.
Open Source
Open source gives "OpenGrid" its name. Feel free to use it, contribute to it, or change it. Just please take a look at the project's license.