OpenGrid Configuration

One easy way to customize OpenGrid's behavior is to set the various available configuration options in src/js/custom/Config.js.

The settings are described below.

Available Settings


  • applicationName - application name used on login screen, window title, and top navigation pane
  • copyright - placeholder for copyright information; not currently used by application (internal use only)
  • version - placeholder for version info; not currently used by application (internal use only)


  • timeout - session timeout, in minutes; if no user activity is detected (including mouse, keyboard and query requests) within this time period, the user is automatically logged out and redirected to the login screen
  • tokenRenewalInterval - token renewal interval in minutes; the application uses tokens to securely send credential information to the service layer; the security token is initially generated by the service and has an expiration (4 hours by default); this setting should be set to a value less than the expiration period on the service side to prevent any session interruptions (manifest as permission errors on the UI) caused by expired token


  • autoCloseDuration - number of milliseconds the alert message will be displayed; this is the window that displays when there are informational or error messages


Various table-related settings; these are pass-through settings that normally don't need to be changed


  • baseLayers - layer information including Leaflet-supported URL of the layer (See for more info)
  • overlayLayers - layer information for overlays; much like the baseLayers, the overlayLayers need URLs that point to a Leaflet-supported map service
  • - default map center in Latitude/Longitude
  • mapLibraryOptions.zoom - default map zoom (use higher value to zoom in)
  • mapLibraryOptions.minZoom - map's minimum zoom level
  • mapLibraryOptions.imagePath - default path for images used by Leaflet; there is no need to change this, in most cases
  • zoomToResultsExtent - flag to indicate if the map will auto-zoom after a 'manual' search (via quick or advanced search, not auto-refresh)
  • measureOptions - some settings used by the measuring tool class
  • tileMapOptions - tile map options to be made available on the UI; shapeMap setting is an instance of ogrid.ShapeMap class that exposes a shape map data (geoJson) representing a boundary


  • mock - for testing use only (deprecated)
  • plugins - list of plug-ins for handling quick searches
  • helpFile - quick search help content
  • plugInOptions - options used by quick search plug-ins; right now, only the Places plug-in, the default plug-in that gets called when no other plug-in matches the quick search text, is reading these settings
  • places.esriGeocodeBBox - the bounding box used for the ArcGIS World Geocoder service to perform the address/POI search within the given extent; bounding rectangle coordinates can be entered as a simple comma-separated string in the format ,
  • places.esriGeocodeLocation - Longitude/Latitude value that represents the center of the search area; if more than 1 search results are returned by the service, the results nearest to this point will appear first on the list of results
  • places.esriGeocodeMaxResults - maximum results to be returned by the ArcGIS Geocode service
  • places.esriGeocodeFilterUsingShape - when specific address/locations are returned by the ArcGIS Geocoder service, the search results are filtered to make sure only results inside this shape or boundary are returned


  • geoFilterBoundaries - boundaries used on Advanced Search; the data attribute should be set to a geoJson value that represents the boundary


  • commands - list of buttons and required security level
  • mobileBreakPointWidth - width value of the browser window used for internally determining if application is in mobile mode or in normal mode (note that this should be in sync with the value used by Bootstrap/bootstrap.css for its media queries)


  • endpoint - the endpoint of the service layer that OpenGrid application calls; this is the default setting used which is overriden by the one found in config/EnvSettings.js
  • timeout - the timeout value of every service call, in milliseconds; if a service call times out, an alert message is displayed
  • maxresults - the maximum number of rows to return for a query
  • authUrl - the URL of the operation to use for retrieving a security token during the login process; there is usually no need to change this unless the service layer is configured or developed to use a different URL
  • authRenewUrl - the URL of the operation to use for renewing a security token
  • errorHandler - internal setting to indicate the class to use for handling some exceptions
  • dateFormat - data format used for converting string to date value for comparing dates on auto-refresh highlighting; this is dependent on the format used by the underlying service
  • autoLogin - flag to indicate if login page will be displayed or if application will automatically login using credentials specified in autologinUserId and autologinPassword
  • autologinUserId - user id to use for internal login when autoLogin is set to 'true'
  • autologinPassword - password to use for internal login when autoLogin is set to 'true'


  • url - url to use for the application help link
  • type - the type of help link: 'icon' or 'button'